Thursday, June 11, 2009

This is the part where the end starts

My friend June kicked in and it only means one thing: back to school -- much to my dismay of ending vacation. But I know I should welcome it with open arms. Who knows? This school year may bring me lot of wonderful surprises. So there's no time for whining here, dear.

Yes, another year is waiting to be faced by me. When I first got to college, all of my classmates and new friends thought that I was the serious and studious type. I was not shocked that I gave off that first impression though I know it was so not me, it is just that most people do think I'm one, eh? And now that I have survived my first year, I thought of making myself the studious type. I mean, I will study harder this time because I want to take-up next year my real course which is Accountancy. Yes, I have shifted to Business Administration major in Managerial Accounting this year. (the reason why is posted on my blog on Multiply) So may this goal urge me to strive harder on school. I'll make the most out of it. SWEAR.

I really need to study harder this time. Much harder. Harder than ever. I promise. I swear. But I promise too that I will not turn to a psycho-geek. I will still be me. The studying harder me, I should say. :)

YES. All it takes is a promise and I'll be having a year with no regrets.

I am excited to go to school because:

  • allowance is coming
  • bond with my friends again
  • expand my circle
  • cheat again? :))
  • I can use my new pens

I am not excited to go to school because:
  • I am lazy to go to school
  • I hate my class schedule
  • I am scared of my class schedule
  • My parents is not yet here by then
  • I am still enjoying my vacation
  • Lots of homework is on my way again
  • Sleepless nights again -- because of projects
  • Boring classes
  • It is the start of conforming with my promise above, hoho. :3
Toinks. Well, it looks like I have more reasons of not going to school, ah? :D


On some other news, one hour to go and I'll be having no parents appearing here. sad. One week with no mother, two weeks with no father. sobs. They're bound to go to Hongkong. Aw. (More aw because I was supposed to be going there with them.) They're flight is on 6 am tomorrow and they'll be leaving here later at 1 am. Jeez, this will be the first and longest time my parents will be away . Miss Independent in the house, yo! :) sniff.
It is sad because there will be no mother assisting us on the first day of classes. It is so sad that there will be no father sending and fetching us in school. How ironic that when someone's leaving it is the only time you'll realize they're worth. The simple things and stuffs they have done, you know. I know this will be hard. I really am sure. Ugh, but I hope I'll make it. Be the sister to my brother and be the queen of our home. Wuhoo. I'm in tears right now. Boohoo.

Cheerio, my dearest parents!
I love you!

take care.

P.S. I just hope you'll be able to read this. Oh, and buy me pasalubongs, alright? :)