Monday, June 1, 2009

Blood is Thicker Than Mud

I slept around 2 am last night. I woke up just now. They forced me to get out of bed. Yes, I am a morning-sleep-sucker. My mom told me that we'll be going to the studio later to have our family picture taken. I am not interested. I am not in the mood to go out. I just want to kill my time with this tube in front of me, like what I did yesterday. And I am scheduled to watch Boystown later. Yes, I am an Enchong Dee fangirl.

I am skeptical about the family picture thing, for all I know Mom will be missing dad because he'll be going 'somewhere down the road' and that's why she wanted something to have on hand. Yes, I'll be missing dad, too. Who would not be? But I'll be talking more of that some other time. I don't want this to be a tear-jerking post. :)

Well, whether I like it or not, I need to like it. :) So, yes I am going with them. I guess I'll be ending up watching Boystown on Youtube. tss. Blurry Boystown it'll be, I'm sure. pffft. :( And now you'll see me putting on the best pretentious smile. :DDD HOHO.

According to their plan, we'll be going to the studio first, then to the doctor for my brother to be checked-up, then attend mass, go to the mall to buy school supplies and a family dinner I think.
I can't do anything with this, it was all planned and I must conform. I SHOULD enjoy this because tomorrow, I'll be nothing but busted. I haven't reviewed anything yet. I swear. At least it's only a 60 item multiple choice kind of test. :)) I just hope that luck will be with me. MWAHAHAHA.
Oh, well, whatever happen, happens.

the original picture to kawaii-desu-yo

(Texts were added by me.)