Friday, February 12, 2010

All That I Am, All That I Ever Was

Being alone sometimes brings me closer with my lost self. It's been years that I felt something in me is really missing. The person who I was is nowhere to be found. The self which I placed somewhere I do not know. It's sweet... and woeful.

I've been surrounded with lots of people; strangers, friends, animals and bullshits. They made me forget that there is more to life than clinging in to them. It is so serious that I almost forget about myself. To be honest, I think I've been busy pleasing and entertaining these creatures. And now I realized, they are so creepy and the thought of it scares me.

Three days since I unite with my soul. It keeps on whispering the words I should have known way back. The mumbled words before that I did not mind. The things that is futile to me, I thought. And I was wrong. I should have listened. Fuck.

Everything is slowly getting lucid now. I am now conscious of the things I should have known for so long. It feels like I've been awakened. I can now appreciate. I can understand now and I am getting the hang of it. Everything is clearer now. My long lost self is soon to be found.