Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The heart has its reasons that reason does not know at all.

There are days that you feel nothing but ordinary about yourself. Getting up at the wrong side of the bed. Darkness over the window pane. A bad hair day. There are days you feel indifferent. It`s just that you feel like you don`t blend in. Those were the days.

You feel beautiful now, don`t you? As you pass by a mirror, you stop and stare on your reflection smiling back at you. You feel beautiful. You start singing your heart out whenever you want to. No matter what kind of voice you have. Others may say something but it don`t matter to you, you`re happy. You feel giddy. You feel like dancing. You feel like you are floating on the thin air. That feeling... that is so beautiful, just like you.

The birds chirping outside make you a happy banana. The lightness you`re feeling is priceless. You`re one happy soul. You get inspired to do things now. You start discovering many things you don`t know you`re good at before. Everyone can see the happiness in you. You`re inspired. Your loved ones start to notice something, something really different. You`ve changed and you have no idea about it. It feels so natural for you, isn`t it?

What happened to you? You`ve really changed, I can see that. You`ve become better now. You`re really happy and I hope you will stay that way, forever. I want to know the reason, please. It must be special. I can feel that it is so important and you love that reason, whatever it may be. But could you please tell me?

What you told me? It was an amazing story. You`re such a sweet, sweet, thing. I never had imagined everything that you just said. I can say now that your reason is one of the best thing that has ever happened to you. You smiled and said, "Yes it is. But I`m thinking, why does this happen to me? This ain`t easy. I never wished for something like this but yeah, I was happy. I was."

I get confused on your answer. What do you mean? You`re happy, you look great. You look perfectly fine. Is there any problem? You looked back, perhaps wiping your tears. "There are many things which you don`t know yet. There are things you may not get to notice but it`s just there, for so long. Look at the sunset, it is so beautiful. It feels really good seeing it, right? People find it amazing but you know what? The sun was never happy. She was never happy because she`s leaving the sky after a great day they have shared. She has to leave the sky and let the moon take care of it. She can`t do anything and so she just sends the stars to accompany her sky. After all those days they have shared and experienced, she has to leave. The sun has to rest her heart all night. The sun may look shiny and bright all day but every night she`s different. She`s distant to the sky. The sun is weeping, yes she is. The sun sets everyday, and the sun is crying every night too, since she`ll be apart from the sky. The sun has her own reasons. And now she has decided... she has to let go. I`m a sucker of sunsets, but when I get to know this? I`ve realized that it is not only us people who`s wearing a mask. Goodbye is not beautiful. Sunsets are goodbyes. I don`t know." I don`t know what to tell you now after you said this. And so I stopped.