Friday, April 2, 2010

I`m a Happy Banana!

I`m happy, you know. The feeling when you can make others happy by doing the things you just simply love... that. Doing favors for others are just simple things and yes, when they start to say they appreciate it and can`t stop thanking you... that.

It`s too nice to know that people appreciate what I do. It`s like, wow. I`m more encourage to continue what I`m doing. Yeah, this is about me loving the arts. It is actually my dream, to become an artist. It is also my first choice on what course to take up in college... anything Multi-media, Music, and Arts related course. But yeah, my parents disagreed and so I ended up taking Accountancy, and now Managerial Accounting.

My course is fine, I`m learning and all that but it`s still different. It`s like I`m doing this just because. Oh well, I`ve passed two years and two years more, I`ll get out of this. I`ll be graduating in two years time and I`ll only be nineteen then. I have enough time to pursue the course I really want to take. Yes, in just two years.

I can`t bore and stuck myself in just books, you know. I`m trying to exercise my skills in Arts... I do this by blogging, taking pictures, do editing, doodling, designing, and all that. I have all the time and chances anyway. I won`t stop just because some people told me so. This is what I love and I must do anything I can to continue doing it. Life gives me choices, and so I take my pick.

This is a great feeling `cos I can feel my worth, I can feel that I`m special, that I am something. People complimenting me and the stuff I do makes me a happy banana. You don`t know how much happy I am to know that I`m so appreciated. I may not feel it before but yeah, I can feel it now. This is a happy life. And yeah, I`m getting more inspired.